Tuesday 8 September 2015

Help us to reduce drop out from School

Mera Parivar affirm for Children education

      Quarterly meetings with Primary and Secondary School´s directors
   The school absence rates have been reduced in a 15%; a 10% in girls and a 5% in  boys that attend Mera Parivar´s reinforcement lessons.
    The school dropout rates have been reduced in a 15%; a 10% in girls and a 5% in  boys that attend Mera Parivar´s reinforcement lessons.
      Participant student´s academic results have improved in a 80%.
     100% of the students that attend Mera Parivar´s reinforcement lessons pass the grade.
     At least, 4 concrete measures are taken to inform and aware the families.
Several achievements in the different interventions with families at risk of children´s school dropout or with a abandonment situation 

Your Partnership makes difference in lives of Children .

Help us reduce drop out rate of Children from school 

Contact : meraparivar@gmail.com