Friday 11 July 2014

Vitamin A & Albandazol Tab to 10000 Children in Gurgaon

Mera Parivar partnership with US Vitamin-A  & Albandazol Tab for 10000 (ten thousand) Children in Gurgaon
Vitamin A is essential for the functioning of the immune system. Giving vitamin A supplements to children who need them increases their resistance to disease, and improves their chances for survival, growth and development.
Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is a global problem. It affects more than 100 million children and is responsible for as many as one out of every four child deaths in regions, countries and communities where the problem exists. Now, there is also more and more evidence that VAD increases the risk of maternal death.

The Impact: vitamin A supplementation saves lives
Improving the vitamin A status of children Today Mera Parivar gave about 35 Children Vitamin A and Vaccination to Children with the help of Govt Hospital Nurse for distribution.  
Increases their chances of survival:
  • Reduces death from measles up to 50 per cent
  • Reduces death from diarrhea by 40 per cent
  • Reduces overall mortality by 25 per cent
Other health benefits:
  • Prevents night blindness, xerophthalmia, corneal destruction and blindness
  • May reduce birth defects
  • May prevent epithelial and perhaps other types of cancer
May reduce maternal mortality:

  • Improves resistance to infection
  • Helps reduce anemia
Mera Parivar wants to reach out 10000 Children in one year