Wednesday 7 September 2011

Empower women socially and economically

Women around  and particularly in Rajiv Nagar Gurgaon have been exposed to social and economic vulnerability due to inherited social cultural and detribalization of the economy. This situation has called upon women to form /organize groups, which will enable them to get away with social economic vulnerability. Women vulnerability is directly related to poverty. In order to eradicate poverty, Mera Parivar analyze its root causes and ways to tackle the problem is of great importance.

Mera Parivar  Women Group is a locally, which is working towards poverty reduction in the community with specific focus to vulnerable group of women and children. In order to meet it's over all goal, the organization has to develop a long-term plan, which will guide the organization to achieve its goal. Mera Parivar  Woman Group, as a locally working in Rajiv Nagar Gurgaon is engaged in vocational skills training to the girls, out of school as a strategy to alleviate poverty in Rajiv Nagar  among women and community at large.

In the process of needs assessment and identification, the involvement of community as beneficiaries was taken into consideration as well as community leaders and stakeholders available in the areas.
It is anticipated that, the project is going to empower women socially and economically since it has an aspect of income generating activities, which will enhance their economical well being as well as increasing women empowerment in resource ownership, and reduce women discrimination.

Anil Landge

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